

Outdoor Burning (Open Burning)

Open burning is allowed with an approved permit. Permitting requires that the site and materials to be burned meet all requirements.

Fire Department Service Fees

Fire Department Service Fees are payable by September 30th. Late fees will be added after September 30th. If you have not received your dues notice, call our

Business Office at 205-991-5266

Board of Trustees

The Cahaba Valley Fire Board of Trustees oversees the fire department, ensuring it meets the needs of our community. We are responsible for setting policy, approving budgets, and overseeing operations.

Meetings are held at 145 Narrows Drive on the second Wednesday of every month at 6 pm.

What’s New

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)

Wildland Urban Interface: Understanding the Overlap Between Nature and Civilization The wildland-urb…


Where we are headed The Cahaba Valley Fire District, guided by its strategic plan, is poised for con…


The mission of the Cahaba Valley Fire & EMR District is to protect life and property through professional and compassionate service to our community.  

We will accomplish this through ongoing training and professional development, public education, risk reduction, and an effective response force. 


The vision of CVFD is to be a professional organization to meet diverse needs of a growing community through ongoing quality improvement.